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Maryland's Safe and Supportive Schools (MDS3) Initiative

Our school is participating in the state-wide MDS3 Initiative. MDS3 is a grant awarded to the Maryland State Department of Education to help to improve the climate of Maryland high schools. The project was designed collaboratively by the Maryland State Department of Education, Johns Hopkins University, and Sheppard Pratt Health System. The purpose of MDS3 is to improve student engagement and the school environment to support student learning. The grant will also help schools implement research-based programs to meet students' emotional, behavioral, and academic needs. A core component of MDS3 is the development of a web-based survey system for assessing school climate, school engagement, and the school environment.

What is PBIS?

PBIS is a school-based intervention for reducing disruptive and aggressive behaviors. The Maryland Department of Education, John Hopkins University and Sheppard Pratt Health Systems sponsor this program. This program is meant to promote positive behavior in the school community by rewarding students school wide who practice and model exemplary academic performance and citizenship. Each of our staff members and administrators are participating in this program.

What is the Lackey PBIS Theme?

  • Life Long Learning – Learn something new every day!
  • Honor and Respect – Others, property and yourself.
  • Success – Create great expectations.

The staff and administration reward students who display these positive behaviors and skills through the Charger Card Reward Program.

What is the Charger Card Reward Program?

Students who display life long learning, honor and respect or success will be given a Charger Cards from a Lackey staff member as reinforcement for observed positive behaviors. The student can then redeem these cards for incentives in teachers’ classrooms, coupons for free food at sporting events, or prizes from the LHS box in the office. Every two weeks at the end of the day on Friday, a drawing is held in which students can win gift certificates to popular businesses or a Charger bag filled with school supplies, candy and games.